Pizza made on a pizza stone (new!) with tomato sauce, roasted eggplant, garlic, spinach and fresh basil. Topped with Daiya Italian Blend vegan cheese. Daiya is melt-y, cheese-y and soy-free if you care about being free of soy. I don't but I think it's cool that they made "cheese" out of cassava.
We can't find anywhere to buy Daiya in in NYC, so I order it from when we want some, but if anyone knows where to get this locally, let me know in the comments! The cheddar flavor is also excellent is quesadillas.
Also, Fleischmann's brand yeast makes a special pizza yeast. I didn't think it would make a difference but it does. Makes the crust chewier and more toothsome. Recommended.
They sell Daiya at Earth Fare here (Knoxville, TN), and I've heard that it's available at all Whole Foods. Hopefully you can find some a little closer to home! I love the stuff.
I know for sure that Whole Foods in Chelsea has Daiya, because I work there(!), and that Columbus Circle has it because I sometimes shop there. =) In Chelsea, it can be found in clear plastic tubs near the pre-made salads and sandwiches. Columbus Circle sells it that way, and also has the orange one in packages in the dairy section.
I saw Daiya at LifeThyme Natural Market in the West Village. Good luck finding it!
pizza wow...mmmmhhhhhh nyam...nyam...
Your food is very impressive. You look very smart in cooking
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